Duran Duran Appreciation Day 2022 with Dori Monson 
One of the biggest, most personal highlights came when my sister joined the Zoom with her children in Israel; they had hastily planned and practiced a surprise musical presentation, singing “Hungry Like The Wolf” for all present Duranies. There wasn’t a single heart left un-melted.


When it comes to celebrating a certain band, it’s no secret I have trouble doing things on a small scale… and last Friday became a perfect example.
August 10th, Duran Duran Appreciation Day, is an opportunity to go the extra mile with DD recognition; last year I asked my friend Jen to join me on a street corner in Seattle, greeting morning commuters with a little Durandemonium. It was a remarkable experience that led to a local TV spotlight and a ton of priceless memories.
This year, I recruited reinforcements to amplify the awesome. We commanded that corner for 10 hours, capturing the attention of KOMO TV and radio, doling out unexpected smiles to passerby (lots of tourists and people in town for Pearl Jam!), indulging delighted selfies with strangers, and making the most of every moment. The photos below speak the loudest.